A Dream Comes True

5:56 AM

A goal is a dream that you do your best to make it true and makes you happy.  Sometimes you have many desires and dream of many things and this may make you feel frustrated, confused and depressed then as a result you will waste your time in worrying, fearing and postponing.
You have to organize your life and get the benefit of your time. Set your goals (what you want to achieve in your life) and work hard to make them true.

The importance of setting your goals:

- You will know your lifestyle and get rid of feeling lost
You will control your life
Your life will be as you wish (you will love yourself)
- you will Spend your time doing useful things instead of wasting it doing unnecessary things that may hurt you.
You will satisfy yourself and others around you (you will be proud of yourself)
You will change yourself and others.

Notice that a goal should have some necessary features to be a real one:

Realistic: It should be related to your real life. It should be suitable for your abilities. It should be real no nonsense.
Measurement:That's mean you know what you want exactly.
Specified: It should have a specific time. You have to set a suitable duration to finish it.
State your goal clearly, so that you will focus on achieving it.
Flexible: It should be changeable so that you will be able to change according to your current circumstances.

How could you make your goal real?

Think of what you really want.
Don't be afraid of failure or losing.
Get rid of those who try to get you down or try to make you feel confused or depressed.
Spend your time with positive people who will encourage you to do your best.
Trust yourself and your abilities.
Use your skills and abilities in a good and creative way (wake them up)

Prepare your pen and a paper (use your notebook or planner)
Write down your general goal that you want to make it real (it will take a long period) then write the minor goals that will help you to reach the general one (each minor goal will take a short period) For example:
The general goal is to read 6 books a month.
The minor ones are to read one book for 4 hours in 5 days. (read in Your best time like before going to sleep or in the afternoon)

Always check how are you doing to see how far you achieve.For example:
At the weekend, check your goals to know what you've done and make sure that you're in the good way.

If you found that you are late and there are many goals left unachieved, try to invent a new way to finish them.
When it's time for the real check (the end of goals' period) try to reward yourself if you finish them in a good way or as you wish. Reward yourself with stuff you like (choose your rewards before starting your hard work because this will increase your motivation) such as:

A picnic, hanging out with friends, buying a new dress, buying a new phone or anything else that you like.

Writing your goals is the first step to make them come true. Don't forget to put them on your favorite place to see them every day so that you will never forget them (your subconscious mind will be aware of them) 

Finally be sure that when you set your goals, you will find yourself automatically trying to do your best to make them real. You will organize your priorities and manage your time because of the feeling of commitment. You have to know that if you don't have a goal, your life will be meaningless. Always remind yourself of the great pleasure that you will feel when your dream comes true.

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