Parkinson's Law to Increase Productivity

5:00 PM

Parkinson's law is proposed by Cyril Parkinson, a British historian and author, in 1955. The law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. In other words, the law means that each task takes all the time you set. For example, if you set two hours to finish a task, you will accomplish it in two hours even you need fewer time. You are going to procrastinate until the deadline.

The Importance of Parkinson’s Law
  1. Increase productivity. When you set a strict deadline for each task, you will be able to achieve many tasks a day.
  2. Time management. Such a law will help you to save your time by making a precise to-do-list.
  3. Boost motivation. 
  4. Avoid procrastination.
  5. Develop planning skills. Setting a strict deadline will force you to indicate your priorities and the best way to achieve them. Consequently, you will learn how to plan effectively.

How to Get the Advantage of Parkinson’s Law
  1. Write down all your tasks.
  2. How and where you are going to accomplish them (procedures and places).
  3. Set accurate time for each task. Setting accurate time depends on your abilities and circumstances. In other words, you need to estimate the time you really need to achieve each task. For example, if you need 30 minutes to read a chapter in a book, You will only set 30 minutes not one hour.
  4. Don't overestimate the needed time for each task.

To get the extreme benefit of this law, set time less than you actually need. Such a trick will force you to avoid procrastination due to lack of time and increase your motivation and productivity.

Note: What's written here is mine. It's the result of my readings and experiences so don't mention it as yours, please. Express your admiration of my posts by sharing others but don't forget to mention my name (, I'll be grateful for this. Be as you want. Don't imitate others. Don't steal others' work and do your best for yourself.

ملاحظة: كل مايكتب هنا ثمرة قرائتي و حصيلة تجاربي فلا تنسب لنفسك جهدي وتعبي لك حرية التعبير عن اعجابك بما كتب هنا بمشاركته الاخرين و لكن بشرط ذكر المصدر ( و لك جزيل الشكر والامتنان كن كما تود ان تكون ولا تصبح مقلدا يسرق جهد الاخرين !ابذل القليل من الجهد

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