When Will You Begin?!

10:37 PM

"Allah does not change what is in a nation unless they change what is in themselves" Allah said. 
If you read this holy verse by your heart, you will discover the key to success which will lead you to the world of happiness and comfort, it will help you to draw your life as you wish. If you really want to make your dreams come true, you have to change your lifestyle and invent new ways to do so.

What are the aspects that need to be changed?

The Spiritual aspect:
It's related to your relationship with Allah (God) because whenever it's good, be sure that your life will be amazing. Strengthen it by doing some easy things like:
Reading the Holy Quran.
Pray on time
Ask Allah (God) for forgiveness 100 times a day at least
Fast for Allah (God)
Pray night prayer.
Memorize some verses from the Holy Quran.
Help homeless people (charity)
Do a lot of voluntary work.

Be sure when your relation with him becomes strong, your life will be easier and your goals will come true because Allah (God) won't forget your hard work and won't let you down when you trust him. Trust yourself and your abilities so you can do it. Don't care about what other say if you don't do something wrong.

The Psychological aspect:
You have to change your thoughts. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Think of your life in a different way. Believe in the following quote "after black clouds, clear weather". When something gets wrong, trust Allah (God) and do your best to fix it, don't feel depressed because this won't work. Negative thoughts block your mind so you won't be able to solve the problem or find a way to fix it so always search for the spotlight that would lead you to the solution. Don't forget that every problem has its solution just trust Allah (God) and yourself.

The Mental aspect:
It's related to your educational and cognitive side. Increase it by reading and experiment the good things. As you care about your body by eating healthy food, you have to care about your mind by learning good stuff. Try to get information as possible as you can (information that will benefit you in your life). Increase your intelligence level by solving puzzles. Don't use your mind in the same way, think differently. Trust that you will change and your life will be better and you will do it.

You can't change anything if you don't change your lifestyle and your thoughts. If you still the same person, don't wait for others to be different , Start by yourself to make a difference because when you change, they will change. Learn from your own mistakes. Discover your new lifestyle and don't miss the chance. Begin now because postponing and procrastination will hold you back.

The Healthy aspect:
Take care of your health by eating healthy food and doing exercises. 
Eat more vegetables and fruits and drink a lot of water.
Go for a walk for 2 hours 3 times a week.
This will help you to refresh your mind and get rid of the negative energy.

The personal aspect:
It's related to your hobbies and your relationship with others.
Practice your hobbies in your free time because this will comfort you then you will be able to think positively.
According to your relationships, you have to be a calm person.
 Learn how to control your negative feelings. Treat others as you like them to treat you. 
Use a quiet tone when you speak with them. Watch your mouth before speaking.
Always smile
Forgive them for your own sake (to comfort your mind and your heart)
Praise them
Thank them when they do something good for you
Say sorry when you do something wrong (apologize)

All these things will help you to have a quiet life and this will help you to achieve your goals.

Note: What's written here is mine. It's the result of my readings and experiences so don't mention it as yours please. Express your admiration of my posts by sharing others but don't forget to mention my name ( kselfhelp.blogspot.com), I'll be grateful for this. Be as you want. Don't imitate others. Don't steal others' work and do your best for yourself.

ملاحظة: كل مايكتب هنا ثمرة قرائتي و حصيلة تجاربي فلا تنسب لنفسك جهدي وتعبي لك حرية التعبير عن اعجابك بما كتب هنا بمشاركته الاخرين و لكن بشرط ذكر المصدر (kselfhelp.blogspot.com) و لك جزيل الشكر والامتنان كن كما تود ان تكون ولا تصبح مقلدا يسرق جهد الاخرين !ابذل القليل من الجهد

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